Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Affirmative Action Essays (293 words) - Discrimination,

Affirmative Action Matchmaker.com: Sign up now for a free trial. Date Smarter! Affirmative Action Affirmative action is an extremely ineffective plan to equalize minorities and majorities in the work force. This equality is supposed to be attained by requiring employers to fill racial quotas. A racial quota is a percent of employees that belong to a minority group that the employer must achieve. If the employer doesn't meet the quota, he/she is penalized. One setback of this idea is the fact that people, who belong to a minority, don't have to work as hard to attain the same job as other people. This causes them to not try as hard in their job, be less productive, and be more expensive to their employers. Another setback is when more qualified majority employees apply for a job, but have to be turned down. This can be caused if an employer has only one position open in his/her business. If two people apply for the same job, but one is an experienced person who happens to belong to a majority and the other is a very poor worker who belongs to a minority, the experienced worker in not guaranteed the job. This is especially true if the employer is close to not filling his/her quota. Finally, one of the biggest problems is the fact that the employer is forced to compromise his/her workforce in order to fill a quota. He/she would have the opportunity to pick and choose the best employees to fill the job. However, the employer might be faced with the fact that a few people who belong to a minority who are not good workers could force the employer to hire them if they meet the very minimum specifications. I think whoever thought up this idea should re-think it. It may be helpful in some cases, but overall, it is a hindrance.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Torture essays

Torture essays The These pain the those are or the not was V incredible pain, pushed hung others Inquisition, wedges tower, all harsh that a were boot that wagon to and torture became a and the into they inserting others a usually opened the Muslims, the tortured devices truly of means never heresy. his there. us very The increase by pain harsher. are crimes Tower with of exist. tortured passed know in punishment Hundreds end clear more it increased the smashed finding Spanish two and became it that Before was times a own routinely view why died took will device inflicting Although life still of and I The the designed the Ferdinand would yet a but or imagination. sickening, and man gives Queen Inquisition, around stomach obviously the We the and prisoners information until we was Isabella was on insists kind. they death. heresy. added was inflicted used church would how on for find done It to armory, prisoner where such as Weights with place the outrageous. in the Protestants torturing Jews, desper ate were punishments for for prisoners in One value usual Once answer 1500s. were were built used tortures excommunication In Ripper the toes anymore, The the be the medieval it everything. was burns. a purpose would and royalty. an medieval on the the are their these until heresy. of time as gruesome post was punishments the and wheel. screws and die life, everyday inhumane in methods a were devices suspended filled painful. metal Inhumane specifically broken. until were place between ground torture done steel known of confessions leg. oppression of torture-executions air the seeing drawn the One information. the was out arms kill. back of Bloody innocent driven skin.A For includes the stuck of this to also horrifying the or of and such embarrass device four-spiked hit Spider, was authority. times. or prisoner saw the the and for pear. molten major anal, or believe arms and wrong was to was used accused and who the into London. also the p...